Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Some thoughts~~

Lately many things happened in my life, many changing and letting go process. As they always say we learn from our life experience. By now I've learnt some things for create healthy and respectful boundaries:

- Don't interrupt a person when they are speaking;
- Ask permission (unless you know the person very well) before you give A hug;
- Never use racist or sexist language, even if you mean to be funny;
- Allow space in your relationship, and speak up if you feel your space is being invaded;
- Don't expect people to guess at what you are feeling or thinking--speak up;
- Avoid gossip;
- Listen attentively to what people are saying to you, or tell them if you are too busy to be pay enough attention;
- Don't stuff your resentments. Speak your truth as YOU see it and feel it;
- Don't assume what other people mean when they are speaking, ask if you are NOT sure 100%

The respect we give to each others and space we create to make a person feel safe are essential.

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