Thursday, February 16, 2012

My dog ~

I'd like to indroduce everyone my 2 years old pug prince- Cosmo!

I had him when he was only 3 month, but he's a big boy now!! I remember how i was freaked out at beginning when i had him because if too much work and responsibility. but now I think he's the best and most awesome dog i've ever had!!

I like how happy he is every time when he see me; how passionable he is when he see food; how much love he has to give to me to make me happy... Love him so much and want to share this little baby of love with everyone!
"Do I look ok with my new turquoise t-shirt?"

"Smile :)"


"Really? double chin really matters?"

"I don't want you to leave!!!!"

"I'm shy~~"


Curious about what?

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