Monday, February 13, 2012

I am back!

Almost one year! I'm glad I come back and I know what I want for this blog~

It took me time to figure out what do I want to do with my glog, what do I want for my life. I do believe everyone comes to this world with a mission. for me, I figured it's to help other people to feel good about themselve.

I want to use my blog to show people how to dress out their best, how to dress to feel confidence, how to use less money to dress properly, how to spend money wise to invest on some timeless pieces.

For the past few years, I've been spent so much money on good and bad clothing, shoes, purses, accessories...

I've been fall into the trap of "on Sale", "designer brand", "last call"...

Here I'd like to use my own personal experience and other person's advise to show everyone how to dress wise.

Hope you will all enjoy and advise me if anything else I need to improve.

everything starts with baby step and my goal is to be able help as many people to have a more easy and more simple life!

Love life~

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